In the monthly ordinary meeting of MUTSO Assembly, Muğla Chambers and Exchange Academic Advisor Assoc. Dr. Serkan Dirlik and TUIK Denizli Regional Manager Ali İhsan Yücedağ made presentations on the Muğla economy and data.
Muğla Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MUTSO) monthly ordinary assembly meeting was held on Tuesday (September 24th). The meeting was held under the chairmanship of the President of the Assembly H. Koray Özcan, with the participation of the Assembly Members and Profession Committee Presidents and the agenda items were discussed and resolved. After Mustafa Ercan, the Chairman of the Board of Directors, informed the Assembly about the monthly activities of the Board of Directors, presentations were made in Muğla.
Muğla Chambers and Commodity Exchanges TOBB Academic Advisor Assoc. Dr. Serkan Dirlik presented Muğla Economic Outlook Report and shared the comparative data of Muğla’s social structure, economic structure, industry and trade structure, financial structure, agriculture and animal husbandry, tourism, education and health sectors in Muğla in recent years.
Who was invited to the rostrum after Turkey Statistical Institute (TSI) Denizli Regional Director Ali Ihsan Yucedag Muğla statistical data by performing the presentation, informed the Councilors.

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