Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University (MSKU) Faculty of Medicine gave its 5th term graduates this year. The graduation ceremony, held in the Ancient City of Knidos in Datça, started with a Zeybek performance after a moment of silence and the singing of the National Anthem.

Governor Of Muğla Orhan Tavli, Rector Of Our University Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Çiçek, Vice-Rectors Prof. Dr. Sırrı Sunay Gürleyük, Prof. Dr. Ali Bayrakdaroğlu, Prof. Dr. Artay Yağcı, Muğla Provincial Health Director Dr. Iskender Gençer, Provincial Director of Culture and Tourism Zekeriya Bingöl, Datça Governor Mesut Çoban, Datça Mayor Abdullah Gursel Uçar, Knidos Ancient City Excavation Chairman Prof. Dr. Ertekin Doksanaltı with the staff of our university and the families of graduate students.

At the ceremony, the Rector of the University, professor, who addressed the young doctors Dr. Huseyin Cicek said the graduation ceremony was symbolic because Knidos was the site of the establishment of modern mendilcine and because it housed a former Medical School where Hippocrates also studied. Emphasizing the superior success and sacrifice shown by health workers during the 19 pandemic, which is one of the important exams of humanity and medical history, Rector Çiçek said: “We are all witnessing that health services are changing shape with the acceleration of technological developments in the field of Medicine Covid. Medical applications, which have historically been dominated by human relations, have begun to be replaced by technological applications. Due to new information and technologies, some of the old medical practices lose their validity. In this context, our students graduate as qualified and researcher physicians who are integrated with technology, can develop and apply new technologies. Thanks to this equipment, they will be embarked on a difficult but very sacred task for the health of humanity in our future. Today, when we award diplomas to our students, we reward our country and human health, not them. Bringing new physicians to our country’s health army is undoubtedly one of the most important services for our country. On this occasion, I would like to express once again how proud I am of you. I know that you will serve humanity by representing us and your country in the best way around the world, and you will live to keep it alive.”said.

“The basic principle of medicine is to protect people’s right to life,” said Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Dr. Nevres Hürriyet Aydoğan emphasized that it is an important privilege for the graduates to be able to read the medical oath, which emerged for the first time in parallel with the birth of medical science in these lands, in the same place. Medical science is both science and art; Underlining that there is also a master-apprentice relationship, Prof. Dr. Nevres Hürriyet Aydoğan wished the young physicians who will start their careers success in their new lives.

After the opening speeches, Gizem Çınar, the first of the semester, flashed a plaque on the graduation log; the graduates who received the degree were presented with certificates of achievement and awards by the members of the protocol, and all graduates were given certificates of achievement.

Then Dean Of The Faculty Of Medicine Prof. Dr. Nevres Hürriyet Aydoğan, graduate students

he took a medical oath. The ceremony ended with junior doctors graduating from the MSKU medical school throwing Keps.