Enterprises and Participations

Enterprises and Participations

  • Official Affiliates:

Turkish Chambers-Commodity Association (tr abbr, TOBB)

National Productivity Center (tr abbr, MPM)

Turkish Standards Institute (tr abbr, TSE)

Export Development Center (tr abbr, İGEME)

The International Chamber of Commerce (tr abbr, TO)

Southern Aegean Development Agency (tr abbr, GEKA)

TOBB Women Entrepreneurs Board (tr abbr, KAGİK)

TOBB Young Entrepreneurs Board (tr abbr, GIK)

  • Social Affiliates:

Economic Development Foundation (tr abbr, İKV)

Turkish Chambers, Stock Exchanges, and Union Personnel Insurance and Pension Fund Foundation

Service Foundation for Muğla,

Muğla University Foundation,

Aegean Economic Development Foundation (tr abbr, EGEV)

  • Commercial Affiliates:

Türkiye İş Bankası (İşbank) Inc.

Bağyaka Maden Suyu ve Kaplıca İşletmeleri Inc.

Muğla Kireç Sanayi Inc.

Demay Elektrik Dağıtım Ticaret ve Sanayi Inc.

Aegean Region Development Promotion Construction Investment Industry and Trade Inc. (tr abbr, EBKA)

Pulp and Paper Enterprises Joint Venture Group Inc. (Sel-Ka)

Muğla Chamber of Commerce, and Bayır Town Industry Center.